Salon de Schi Profesionist
Pantofi pentru femei On Running Cloudrunner 2 White/Horizon
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Pantofi pentru femei On Running Cloudrunner 2 White/Horizon

  • The supportive running shoe that just feels good.
732,00 RON
brut / pereche
Cel mai mic preț din 30 de zile înainte de reducere 696,00 RON / pereche
Preț normal 893,00 RON / pereche
14 zile pentru o returnare ușoară
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(Super) superfoam

For professional athletes and new runners alike, our Helion™ superfoam is a game-changer. The upgraded midsole provides softer cushioning and higher energy return. Plus CloudTec® cushioning to absorb impact. So you can keep racking up the miles with confidence.

360° comfort
From toe to heel, each element of the Cloudrunner 2 is designed to support your foot during movement. A plush tongue means total comfort and easy step-in, while a durable heel clip helps to lock in extra stability and support. (And say goodbye to trapped stones, thanks to an updated outsole.)

Feel good shoes
For the Cloudrunner 2, the tech upgrades don’t stop at comfort and performance. This next-gen style features a mesh upper made with recycled polyester.


Dream On. About On Running

The On mission

To ignite the human spirit through movement.At On, we believe incredible things happen when humans move. Being in motion taps into the place in the subconscious where inspiration lies. It's called flow state: A mindset where action and awareness blur together, leaving us fully immersed in the moment. A hack for the mind, helping us to dream bigger and better.

The On story

Three friends, with one shared goal: To revolutionize the sensation of running.It all started in the Swiss Alps Retired athlete Olivier Bernhard wanted to create a running shoe with a totally new feelHe started experimenting with pieces of garden hose, gluing them to the outsole of his prototype.Caspar Coppetti and David Allemann came on board in 2010…And the experience of ‘running on clouds’ was born.The goal was to create the most high-performance shoe ever:Cushioned landings, powerful take-offs.Fully engineered in Switzerland, using the most advanced technology possible.In March 2010, On’s revamped prototypes won the ISPO BrandNew Award.Today, On has been welcomed into the hearts (and onto the feet) of over 7 million athletes in over 50 countries…And there’s still much, much more to come. Dream On.

Welcome to the On Lab

Technological innovation lies at the heart of On. ‘Better’ is achieved through continual experimentation. Never being afraid to start again different or break the mold. Dreaming up ground-breaking new ideas isn’t enough – we want to make them a physical reality. Today, our world-class team of scientists and technicians continue to cook up trailblazing innovations within our Zurich-based On Lab.

On Technologies


Run on Clouds.Created for soft landings and powerful take offs, our innovative CloudTec® technology makes every step effortless. It's the special power in every On shoe.Unlock your running potential.Swiss engineered to deliver comfort, support and a more efficient run, CloudTec® is a completely unique cushioning system. It absorbs impact, reduces strain and adapts to your running style to create a sensation loved by runners around the world. We call it running on clouds.


Traction for any trail – providing support for the ups and the downs.Grip for all seasons.The specially developed grip-rubber compound of Missiongrip™sticks to the trail. Literally. Combining CloudTec® cushioning with incredible traction, Missiongrip™ lets you take on the rough and the smooth, the climbs and the descents in total confidence.


Adapted for every runner.The primary role of the Speedboard® is to increase the runner’s speed. But every runner is different. That’s why every On Speedboard is crafted to deliver a specific sensation. The material, shape, thickness and curve of the Speedboard® changes to provide different results based on different running needs – from comfort to all-out speed.


The Swiss-engineered superfoam that’s set to supercharge your run.The secret? It’s the way the foam is constructed. Advanced production processes make it possible to combine rigid, stable sections with more flexible foam elements along the same molecular chains. In simple terms, we found a way to link different elements together for a fusion that offers benefits previously only possible with two separate materials, combining all ingredients for the ultimate run in a single superfoam.

Created by athletes, for athletes

From elite athletes to those just starting out, movement is the thread that unites us. Driven by performance. In the On Lab, gold medallists work with our engineers to develop the next generation of shoe tech. Then the wider On community shows us what we’re working for – out in the streets and on the track, all across the world.

Preț de listă
893,00 RON/1pereche
Cod producător
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